Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Little Fairy 天外飞仙

Holiday > If > Nothing-To-Do > What for > Holiday
Holiday > If > Something-To-Do > YAY!

so today wasnt any happening day of my life...first time felt so nothing-to-do in my life...just ended up watching vids, series, musics, eating...and started with a new taiwanese series...a 2006 taiwanese series called 天外飞仙 by 林依晨 and TAE.古裝神話劇
小七(林依晨飾)是玉皇大帝(徐錦江飾)最小的女兒,從小備受王母溺愛,因此把她寵得頑皮搗蛋,經常破壞天庭的鐵序。天庭有一座「幽冥園」, 專門囚禁犯了錯誤的神仙,小七的二組織女(郭紀麗飾),因為偷偷下凡,與凡人相戀,但又不肯認錯,所以被囚在這裡。還有一只小狸貓,因為胡作非為,也被關 在裡面。狸貓趁著小七偷闖「幽冥園」,騙小七把她放了出去。狸貓下凡,化成美女香雪海(韓雪飾),她要得到一百個孝子的心,練成魔法,與天庭對抗。從此人 間大亂,小七闖禍了,惹怒了玉帝,玉帝廢掉她所有的仙法,把她貶下凡間!小七必須要在人間做一百件好事,才可以重返天庭![人間,我來了]小七下凡,因為 不懂技巧,一頭栽在董永(胡歌飾)的懷裡,一段緣份就這樣開始了……


This drama is a retelling of the well-known love story between a goddess and a mortal.

Goddess Xiao Qi commits a major crime. She is punished by having her powers stripped away and is banished to the mortal realm. She can only regain her goddess status by accomplishing 100 charitable acts. Dong Yong rescues her and teaches her what it’s like to be a mortal. However, she also learns how to love even though love is forbidden between goddesses and mortals. When their love affair is discovered, heavenly guards descend onto the mortal realm to separate the two lovers. However, they are willing to do anything to stay together.

so i will continue to watch this drama and will see how it goes...seems nice!

see ya!

current temperature: 12C at 11.13pm


  1. Yea,it's nice!!!!! i watch it twice^^

  2. 我超爱看的一部剧!
