Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Oopz! 咁都得?Bday Boy 寿星仔

Oppz! woke up late today...actually i didnt wake up late, was just that i slept again after the alarm yelled...so that means i missed my 2 hours lectures at 9am...the boring one! lol...

我知道我懒,係烂训! haha...Kathy一定会话,懒就懒啦...多多野!Corrine就...哇!你無上课啊!!!你坏啊!!! 我同Elaine讲! 哈哈哈!

So, after that, tutorial at 12pm...i...dare not to skip anymore 咯! LOL! (仲未惊死咩!哈哈)If i skipped this tutorial...i'm gonna get addicted for skipping/missing or just SKIP 晒!but i wont lah...Tutorial was boring as expected...me and Rory was like...pretend to concentrate...failed! lol
, chatting with each other while those guys are presenting...hahaha...简直無彩距地 hahaha...or just 敷衍 them LOL, no lah, still gotta give a bit faces to them...but we're just continuing chatting lol...hopefully when it comes to our presentation, no one will 敷衍 us...but they will surely 敷衍 us haha...

So after the class, Rory and me went for lunch at Sizzle Cafe for sushi...$7! Sushi Sushi is so much better that Sizzle cafe but what to do...dont feel like walking that far to get sushi...今日uni好多人啊!好似打仗咁...after lunch, He went to work and i went back to my place to have a rest...IM DONE FOR THE DAY! yay! tho only one hour class hahaha...

came back and continueing watching...and i checked my internet quota for 3 and i exceeded the limit the dat before and i need to pay a huge amount for it...WTH! 激死我啊!勁贵!超浪费!浪费晒我既钱!Deng! (<<< 以上既词,不允许细路仔用LOL)So next time will just check the quota everytime i use...I've made a complaint by calling 3 today because they only will update the quota every night but not everytime i use...so i told them this caused me to pay that much! and they've apologized to me but the amount was still remain the same...i need to pay for that! 真係激死!TMD! hahaha (Corrine! lol你知我知,应该大家都知, 除咗CHRIS唔知...LOL)..ok forget it! lol, just cant survive without internet as the technology! is like PESTLE ANALYSIS without the "T"...it becomes CACAT!

Drama again...and WeeYing called and chatted for 30mins while chatting with friends...Now i miss my Naruto sooo much (because lik hei and I were talking about anime) as only one new episode and one manga per week! Naruto is my best anime! loved it! 漫画真係好睇!RASENGAN!!! lolSunset again...nice view with a bird

ok, we had 3 dishes for 3 of us for dinner...hahaha...thinly beef with mushrooms, vege and soup...were too much but managed to finish all...好吃到!!!!!yumm yumm!!
my soup with Wombok was sooo yummy! hahaha

Before wrapping out, have to wish this birthday boy a super Happy Birthday as you turn 21 today! getting older but still having that face LOL! 寿星仔 LEE WENG SHYENG! 大个仔啦!廿一岁咯!要生性咯!哈哈。。。hope you will have a great day and i know you're having now...sorry for not being there to celebrate with you but having huge numbers of friends to celebrate for you is a blast, so i hope the blast will give you a nice birthday, a great 21 birthday!
Know you since I'm 14, until now...we've been knowing each others for 7 years! it's a big number! it's such a joy to know you...see your improvements and changes...cant say that you're still immature but now, you better be mature because you're 21, not 12 anymore...Know you've been to some sad parts in your life but i know you have a lot of happy memories and moments you've spent on the group and everyone love you, i really miss times during high school, everyone do...hope u too...Though there're some troubles you've created, past is really past, look for the greater and happy ones, forget the bad and sad ones, tho im not really close with the gang like you with them but im always be with you guys no matter what! DONT FORGET IM STILL THE CHINESE BOY FROM OUR CHINESE CLASS during high school! (and im not really as Banana as you guys thought of, a CRAPPER CAN COME FROM A CHINESE CLASS AS WELL!)...So, hope you and Shee Ann will live happily ever after like a prince and princess! Once again, cant be there for you for your 21st...gave you a call today, hope you like it tho only a minute wish...im here to wish you once again...HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!!! hope you have fun with the gang! I'll be celebrating your birthday here in Australia with my chocolates!!! so i wont left out hahaha...or i already been left out! lol


Alryte, thats all for the day...and tmr, 9am again! never went back to sleep when your alarm call you...lol...I WILL BE THERE IN CLASS TMR!!! FOR SURE! hahahahaha

see you guys tmr! heart you guys and have a great one tmr!

current temperature: 12C at 11.52pm


  1. lol... thx josh... can post me the card? it's so nice...

  2. lol really that nice? lol just a paper haha

  3. the girl in white looks so pretty =)

  4. i know...she looks like someone i know but i cant recall who is she!!! u know? call me! *wink* lol
