Monday, December 04, 2006

"ooh! DAPHNE in ISETAN!" SHE'S ON SALE!!!! lolx

yesterday i went to PC Fair woth my family in the afternoon, KLCC was packed with you know, cars and humans...luckily, we found a car park just within 6 mins, thanks god, the carpark was full and hard to find a parking...after we've park the car, walked right to PC Fair with more n more humans...goodness! what! more than tonnes, as if people can walk through or enjoy the fair, everyone was rushing for their stuff and i was so annoyed by those so caled humans that LOVES to push people while walking, apa tu huh! is that the defination of walking? u want me to show u the right and correct way to walk? i thought of buying alot of things in this fair but ended up just two things in it...feel like buying a wireless modem, a new desktop, laptop, maybe more accessories, webcam (almost wanna buy it but changed my mind, wat a sudden, what am i thinking on that moment itself), then bought more pendrives...
one lil thing that made me embarressed was, when i walked by the SONY VIAO part, suddenly a girl worked there, she actually shouted, "leng zai!!! here's our brand new SONY VIAO with colours varieties, come and have a try, it's cool and nice to use...come on" everyone around that part turned and look at me...omg...LOOKED AT ME!!! shit! (i was so damn swt when she shouted that, super duper embarresing, at the time, i feel like telling her i bought a TOSHIBA laptop...hahaha...cha her...LOL) whatever...walked to another part with my parents, oh, someone called me, wong soon ming? she called, i din realise, then i just walked away, and turned and just said hi with a smile on my face...haha...she was actually my primary schoolmate...*doink*, i feel super boring in this fair, and we decided to go to ISETAN because it's SALES!!!...went in there with nothing, but went out with...hahha...this is wat i called FUN, tonnes!!! bought alot of things...though is kinda cossy, was FUN!!! Everyone of us bought alot of things, hahaha...din realise the number of the MALAYSIA RINGGIT showed in the cashier...haha...omg...just dun mention the cost for everything we my dad hunting for his shoe, and he actually bought 2 leather shoes, ahha...when he was trying it, suddenly a "girl" poped up and knocked me and said "HEY JOSHUA!!!"haha...she's DAPHNE!!! I SAW DAPHNE!!! hahaha...she was walking with a guy
(who's that guy idea, betta ask her later...hahaha) she looked so cheerful as usual...haha...her cheerfulness influenced me, and i was happy then...haha...GOOD and HAPPY plus FUN classmate of mine...hahaha...
after isetan, went out for the makan session...super full...great meal!!! wanna know what i ate? ahhaa....the restaurant was located at Jalan Imbi, think so...haha...ate until 10 somthing, then balik, when i reached home, was actually 11 late...bathed, lil bit of the TV, relaxed, talked, and....bye bye...GOODNIGHT that means sleep time...hehehe...(oh!!! i still can't forget the embarressing moment...ouch!!!)

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